
How to Name Your Membership Levels: A Complete Guide

How to Name Your Membership Levels: A Complete Guide

Have you considered what to name your membership levels? It should be straightforward, and it is. However, if you want your site to be unique, you need to put some thought and creativity into the names of your levels.

You want to stand out, so your level names should reflect your services while also elevating you above the rest.

However, you don’t want to scare customers away with names that don’t accurately reflect your brand and the benefits of each membership level.

What are membership levels?

Among the most common business ideas is the membership model. A subscription-based business exists in every industry, from entertainment to fitness to food and drink.

Why? because they’re effective.

Membership levels, in simple terms, dictate what a consumer receives from your company. When people sign up for a recurring payment for your product, they don’t have to buy it all at once.

Depending on the level of access they choose, customers may be able to access all or just some of your product features. Access to your site’s offerings may also be determined by different levels.

A website that offers multiple membership packages gives consumers more power. Rather than settling for a one-size-fits-all subscription, individuals can select the type of experience that best suits their needs and budget.

Moreover, membership levels keep options open for businesses. Different price points mean more opportunities to gain new customers. Those who weren’t convinced can test a product at a very low entry barrier and see its value over time. You want people to make paying for your product a habit, so it’s best to make it a habit. Memberships help you do that.

How do you come up with unique and creative membership tier names?

It’s critical for your site visitors to be able to look at your membership-promoting sales page and say, “That’s the precise, perfect membership for me.” As a membership site owner, you’ll discover that traditional titles like Gold, Silver, and Bronze don’t do much to convert site visitors into paying members.

So, how do you go about it?

Consider alternative methods to tie the names you pick into the topic or area that your membership site covers as you begin your membership level name brainstorming session.

You’ll discover that membership level titles with a lot of inventiveness are available once you start brainstorming. It’s critical for new members to be able to rapidly recognize the appropriate level based on the name. However, keep in mind that you’ll be able to go into greater detail about each level in the pricing boxes.

Name your Membership Levels: Best Practices

Spend some time deciding how you want to name your membership tiers before you develop your membership site and start recruiting new clients.

Simple is typically the best response, but if your membership names are Choice 1, Choice 2, and Choice 3, you can’t expect to get any target users interested in your product.

When naming membership levels, it’s a good idea to start with the products available in that tier. For example, in the name, if members have access to different types of content depending on their membership tier.

The length or cost of the membership could also be differentiators. You can also divide your tiers into groups based on the type of consumer or the sort of delivery.

You don’t want to confuse your members by combining these distinct naming practices. 

Examples Of Various Membership Level Naming Standards

For you to see what works for others, here are some examples of membership level names.

  1. A leveled-Membership Structure

The leveling of this system is based on how much money people are prepared to spend, and it operates on the “get what you pay for” principle. The better the service, the more you pay.

This ‘pay more, get more’ arrangement appeals to members because it gives them a sense of control over their total membership experience. As long as the person is paying, they don’t have to cancel their subscription. They can just downgrade for a little while and keep their premium subscription, even though money is tight next month.

Customers will be more engaged, members will be more loyal, and firms using this model will have a greater knowledge of the market. You can see which membership levels are more popular with new members and which plans are more effective at keeping them. You may then fine-tune or even eliminate plans that aren’t as popular as their more popular competitors. Consider which benefit mix is most suitable and meaningful for each level. Certain membership levels may be selectively offered features such as member-only ticket prices, member-only material, member-only offers, directory access, and directory listings.

  1. Level Specific Categories

Offering different products, incentives, and services to different categories of people is another efficient way to organize a membership club or business. It might be possible for a professional association in the advertising business to offer plans based on its members’ demographics, such as how many people work there.

  • Agency
  • Freelancer
  • Vendor
  • Educator
  • Student

This intricate structure divides the enormous membership base into smaller, more manageable groups. It also makes each member feel more important and acknowledged in their role.

  1. Levels Based on Payment Terms

Rather than being separated into tiered levels based on how much members are prepared to pay, the payment term membership level is divided based on how OFTEN members are willing to pay. Members usually have the option of paying.

  • Monthly
  • Biannually
  • Annually

Because it is simple to understand, this is one of the most common membership level structures. And, if your membership site supports automated billing, members won’t have to think about when it’s time to pay. Another benefit of this arrangement is that it appeals to members who do not want to commit to a long-term club or service. They can choose to keep their subscription for a month or cancel it at any time.

However, there is a disadvantage to this concept. Because you can’t predict how long a member will stay, it’s more difficult to forecast your annual profits only from membership payments.

Name Your Membership Levels
  1. Membership Level Names Based on User-Access

One of the most common ways to name your membership levels is by considering the content accessible. You can have 3, 5, or even more plans for your clients. Each level will give members different levels of access to content, features, or even services. 

This is a pretty good way to name your memberships, as each level defines its own value without undermining the others. You can start by offering a free plan and charging the highest amount for your top-tier plan. If a potential prospect wants to test your services, they can start with the free plan. Once they are satisfied, they can further move on to one of your premium plans. 

In addition, these membership levels can also define the type of member on your website. At the end of the day, you’ll be able to identify how many free and how many premium members you have. Also, members can identify themselves on your website with unique badges that you can offer once they subscribe to one of your membership plans. 

Who wouldn’t want to be called an elite or pro trader on a leading trading platform? – Just a thought!

  1. Skill Based Membership Levels

Websites that offer certifications or provide education usually name membership levels according to skill level. In order to upgrade your membership, you may have to complete certain courses or pass quizzes to achieve a higher level of membership. 

Organizations use several names for skill-based membership plans like “intermediate,” “expert, “legend, etc. While choosing the right name, your focus should be on suitable levels for learners. 

What Is the Perfect Number of Levels to Offer?

Naturally, the names you choose for your membership levels will be determined by the number of tiers you plan to offer. It’s a good rule of thumb to limit yourself to four different membership levels. In truth, three is the best number.

Because too many level options will drive consumers away, it’s more beneficial to give only a few levels. In most cases, they’ll be overwhelmed by how many things there are, and they’ll leave your site in search of a better one.

There are simply too many membership levels for most users to consider and decide.

There are only two levels of membership in many highly successful membership sites. However, offering five or more is not recommended.

Also, keep in mind that anything you want to give in each level must be appropriately reflected in the level’s title and pricing.

Membership Level Names Should Be Directed by Your Site Name

Long before a user lands on your subscription page, they’ll scan (and rapidly analyze) the name of your membership site to see if there’s anything of interest to them behind the URL.

First impressions are crucial in this case, as they are in other situations.

As a result, the name of your membership site becomes the headline, and the names of your membership levels become more like the titles of the chapters within the headline.

One of the few pieces of material that most of your site visitors will ever read is your site name, or headline. As a result, getting it properly is crucial; otherwise, your membership level names will be obscured.

To begin, you must first determine what your membership site’s unique value proposition, or UVP, is. According to a research, organizations whose members recognize their UVP reported higher renewal rates than those whose members don’t recognize their UVP. One of the most crucial aspects of your site’s branding is your UVP. It should be able to:

  • Define the advantages of your offer in detail.
  • Demonstrate how you can address your user’s problem.
  • Distinguish yourself from the competition in some way.
Name Your Membership Levels

After you’ve nailed down your UVP, there are four things you should do before deciding on a name and branding for your membership site:

  • Do some market research on your own. Examine how your competitors have branded themselves depending on the services they provide.
  • Make a list of names that might work after a lot of brainstorming. It’s critical to concentrate on quality rather than quantity alone throughout this stage. Later on in the process, you’ll be able to narrow down your options.
  • Sort and prioritize all of your name suggestions into your top choices. Do this a day or two after you’ve made your first list. Then, whittle the selection down to a top five.
  • Test your candidate names and obtain as much feedback from your target demographic as possible. Social networking is an excellent tool for this. This can assist you in finding the ideal membership site name for your business.

This technique should assist you in naming your membership site in a way that will arouse more interest in the niche you’re attempting to attract.

Check out Cloudpages’ Membership level here.

To Name a Membership Level, Is It Important?

It is so important!

When it comes to membership tier names, though, it’s an opportunity to attract new members by explicitly demonstrating to your target audience which plans best meet their demands.

Don’t be scared to undertake a lot of A/B testing with your membership levels’ names. What you think is gold may not appeal to others.

Furthermore, unless your membership site and brand justify it, avoid being too “whimsical” with the names you select. 


When members are requested to commit their time and money to a club or other form of membership group, you must acknowledge their efforts in some way – even if it is tiny!

Making a distinction between different membership levels and naming them appropriately is one tiny but effective method to do this. When the membership levels are set up and the names of them are named, it will give the membership experience a whole new level of depth.

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